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AWS announces S3 Tables, a new bucket type for data analytics using Apache Iceberg format, and S3 Metadata for fast query of data, at the Re:Invent conference.
A tutorial on creating a scatterplot using text instead of dots, focusing on simplicity and quick reference.
A machine learning framework developed by Monash University and Ant Group. TIME-LLM repurposes Large Language Models (LLMs) for time series forecasting without modifying their core structure.
The innovative reprogramming technique called Prompt-as-Prefix (PaP) translates time series data into text prototypes, allowing LLMs to interpret and predict time series data accurately. TIME-LLM demonstrates superior performance in both few-shot and zero-shot learning scenarios compared to specialized forecasting models across various benchmarks. The success of TIME-LLM opens up new avenues for applying LLMs in data analysis and beyond, as it shows that they can be effectively repurposed for tasks outside their original domain.
Getting LLMs to analyze and plot data for you, right in your web browser
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